Blog Do you often say I don't have enough time?

Do you often say I don't have enough time?


Have you ever thought to yourself that there aren’t enough hours in the day, or felt overwhelmed at the tasks facing you?
Here are some tips for time management.

1. Clarify your goals or intentions

Be very clear about your aims both short and long term. Write them down. Once you know what you really want to achieve (and why) it’s easier to make decisions about what needs doing.

2. Focus on your top priorities

You’ll be more productive and profitable if you identify and focus on the areas most important. Work on the top 3 most important tasks first.

3. Schedule time

Literally write an appointment in planner (you do have one of those, don’t you?) to set aside a realistic block of time for your priority actions. I say realistic as we often think things will take less time than they actually do. This reduces anxiety over not having enough time and keeps you focused.

4. Say no!

Learn to say no. Always check your schedule before committing to anything new. Don’t allow others priorities to divert you from your needs.

5. Create supportive systems

This includes systems for filing, communication and even your kitchen so it’s easier to cook your dinner. Systems sound boring but they help us stop running from one thing to another ‘being busy’

6. Take a reality check

Ask yourself Will this activity have a positive outcome or am I doing it to avoid something else? A quote I heard once from Peter F Drucker said “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”

7. Delegate!

It’s tempting to do something yourself when you think you can do it faster and better. We often do this to retain control where its not needed. Consider the long term – delegation now will save time in the future.

8. Repeat your success

Remember the last time you went away on holiday, and how you got so much done in those few days before you left? If you have no motivation and need to get something done, think about what strategies and techniques did you employ that made you so effective and focused? Can you repeat them?

9. Balance your life

Formally schedule personal activities too, so you make time for family, friends, your health and fun because having a balanced life reduces stress and increases energy levels. Time management is really about life management! Use my time management tool to find out where you are leaking time if you think you don’t have enough time for this!

10. End the day well

At the end of the day do something that you will thank yourself for in the morning, tidy your desk or make notes about what needs doing tomorrow. You’ll worry less that evening and be prepared and focused the next morning. I always wash up before going to bed and morning me is always so happy about that!

What one thing can you change to make your time easier to manage? 


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